
Miles Read

Miles is a dedicated chartered physiotherapist with a Master’s in Physiotherapy from St George’s University, London, and a Bachelor’s degree in Biology from Bristol.

Miles is a passionate triathlete, surfer and skier, blending personal interests with professional expertise. Vast experience both skiing in the European Alps and competing in endurance races, has led to Miles suffering injuries in the past, allowing him to understand the frustrations and setbacks that injuries cause.

Miles has experience working in a private MSK clinic in London where he specialised in pre/post-op injury rehabilitation, running & workplace related injuries, and return-to-activity programming, with a focus on complex shoulder, knee, and ankle injuries. Alongside this, Miles spent time working at Wimbledon Rugby Club, contributing to pitch-side assessments and delivering in-clinic treatments with a variety of modalities including taping and manual therapy.

Miles prioritises evidence-based practice and a holistic approach, ensuring comprehensive and effective care to facilitate optimal recovery. Committed to personalised, goal-oriented, and person-centred care, emphasising the importance of tailoring interventions to individual needs.

Miles is driven by a continual pursuit of knowledge and growth within the field, aiming to contribute positively to the well-being and performance of individuals seeking injury rehabilitation and long term prevention.

Continuing Education

  • Running Repairs Course with Tom Goom
  • Simplifying The Hip with Mehmet Gem
  • Management of Achilles and Patellar Tendinopathy in the Athlete, Fortius Clinic
  • The Better Clinician Project, Adam Meakins and Ben Cormack
  • ProSport Academy, The ‘Go-To’ Physio, Dave O’Sullivan